The Virtual Lap Band is a non-surgical technique which uses the power of hypnosis to retrain you to be satisfied with smaller amounts of food. It changes how you think about food and gives very safe, very predictable results.
Use hypnosis to improve and hone these skills. Live and work to your full potential.
Use hypnosis to regain control over chronic pain issues, learn hypnotic techniques that will enable you to feel comfortable, relaxed, and able to live your life to the full.
Use relaxation techniques, visualization skills, and hypnosis to improve your immune system, and feelings of well being. This enables you to take control of your life, and your health and well being, by using and enhancing the mind - body connection through hypnosis.
Writers Block? Don't feel those creative juices flowing as they once did? Do you want or need to improve your creativity in any way? Need an edge to your chosen sport? Use hypnosis to give you the boost you deserve, and live to your full potential.
For more information about other services please see my other website or give me a ring on 0417 471 407